Abdulla 125

Im Abdulla Ali Almehri,im 19 years old

Saturday 4 June 2011

Formal presentation report

Formal presentation report
    On June 2, I attended a presentation was presented by Khalifa Adel Alameri ,H00154996. It took place in classroom T008 at 4:00PM and ended at 4:20PM .
    The presentation was good and well presented. He closed the topic of air polution in an interesting way which caught our attention. He maintained good eye contact with the audience. Also, He was standing to the side of the board, providing a clear view of the presentation. and spoke loudly and clearly. From my view it seemed that he was well prepared and organized. He looked very confident. The PowerPoint presentation was visually stimulating; there were 8 slides with the different backgrounds in each slide, so it was confusing between speakers. I think the text size, contrast and the amount of text used was fairly good. Also, the explanatory visuals were related to the topic. The transitions were basic and thus did not distract the audience. Khalifa was moving around a lot, which helped him to successfully complete the presentation.
    In summary, he did well in delivering the ideas of their presentation. He answered most questions asked by the audience, also he concluded the presentation well; however I feel that with more practice, he could get even better.

words count: 177

Friday 3 June 2011

Communicative Skills

Communicative Skills

I feel this semester, only the first of many I will endure, was a successful one.
The objective of the course was to improve our skills  in presentations , and I certainly have improved.   I learned what makes a presentation good or bad, what makes it easier
for the audience, and how the manner that the class is held makes a difference.
However, I feel I should have taken my next semester English class more seriously.
The teacher graded rather leniently, which attributed to my lack of effort. It was a
very difficult adjustment for me.

People say the first presentation is almost always shit, but it doesn’t really matter because you’ll fix it up anyway. The key objective is just to present it so you have something tangible to work with.  I’ve discovered this semester that to present a good presentation draft, while not imperative, is highly beneficial.

I’ve never had much of a problem coming up with ideas and racking up the words, but what I found out the hard way this semester was the final presentation. Because it difficult to me to present with a pressure of the video camera. This was my biggest challenge and I did not skip this stage yet. I am proud of what we have given to this semester.

In general, I really enjoyed this course, I have learned to stand up to the audience without any confusion. Next course I will do my best to develop these skills, and it help me in the college and outside the scope of college. A word of thanks to my teacher Mr. John Vrhovnik for helps us permanent for the best performance .

words count : 279

Monday 9 May 2011

Semi-Formal Presentation Summary

Semi-Formal Presentation Summary
On April 9, I attended a presentation by my classmate, Khalifa Adel Alameri ,H00154996. It took place in classroom T008 at 4:15PM.
The presentation was comparing between white board verses smart board, and it was 6 minutes long. Khalifa was good preparing so he had good eyes contact with whole class room during the presentation, also he used his hand to clear up the point .He was so friendly and confident manner. He was well organized and used smart board without any problems. I’m surprised for his accent . The start was a little confused, but then he amended himself. Khalifa was moving around a lot, which helped him to successfully complete the presentation. His volume was so clear but he had some difficulty to say some words.  In future ,Khalifa supposed to be trained more and more. The information in the presentation was mostly clear but, unfortunately, he didn’t use a simple word to stick with it. So I think the audience not interests it at the beginning. However, he did a nice job during the presentation with good eyes contact. The power point was good.  Also good selecting key words in the slides. The only think that he don’t work with it was the pictures . he should select interest pictures for the audience.
In general, The presentation was clear enough, good practice and organized ,and the volume was clear. However, There are things that needed working out, like the cooperation between members of the group.

Monday 18 April 2011



Date of meeting: 20th March 2010
Topic: Traffic in HCT
Time of meeting:   14:20
Venue: class room (104)
Meeting participants:
Participants: Saeed Rashed  ,Abdullah Ali ,Atteq ,Khalifa
Chair \Lead: Saeed Rashed
Minute’s taker: Abdullah
Venue preparation   :
Table and chairs for 4 people.
Paper and pens.
1-Find the causes of traffic and discuss why it is so complex?
2-Find the solution for the traffic problem.
3-Solutions discuss, choice the best.
              This meeting will present the traffic issues in the  HCT .As i am one of councilor student, I  have been inform from the head college department, asking our group to find some solution for college traffic. We know that the college had serious accident last year and it was a disaster and since that day, the college has made strong rules to avoid serious risk for an accident .We want to know what the biggest issue is make the traffic so complex and we will try to find easy solution suit for everybody. One of the idea to make a signal light , which  is probably the most easily recognized traffic control device and also ,we recommend to sometimes giving traffic tickets and, encourage students and teachers to use the parking in right way .Finally , we will consider for everybody be responsible for his behavior .

Thursday 24 March 2011

We had our meeting at 2:40 pm on Sunday 20th of March– 2011, all group members were on time, I’m in the note taker, Saeed Rashid was the leader and the member were Ateeq and Khalifa. Our subject was talking about get rid of the congestion in the Higher of College Technology. The meeting was very good and exiting because we have covered all ideas and suggestion we need, moreover this is my first time in the meeting and I like it. The weak point in the meeting was we did not put a person to Expelled the student that walking around and disturb us. Welearned a lot of thing from this meeting, the most important one is you have to be ready before the meeting start, another one, you have to listen carefully to others and give them their time, the last thing is I improved myself and I proud of myself. We came out of the meeting after the solutions to the problem such as the development of fines on students who do not adhere to traffic rules within the college, put under ground Parking, and put traffic lights.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

presentation problems

Problems can occur at any time during a presentation that involves an audience. Visual aids can get screwed up; loud sounds can interfere with the audience's understanding of your point; or you might just make a mistake in what you say or how you say it during your presentation.

The time to think of a witty line to deal with a problem in your presentation is before the problem occurs, because more than likely, you'll be too nervous at that moment. Using humor shows your audience that you're not upset and that you're still in control. Staying on your toes at all times is important, because unfortunately, lots of problems can occur when you're giving a presentation.

If you want to capture and keep the attention of your audience every time, then make sure that each presentation you make focuses on helping your audience to solve an important problem. This is critically important: if you’re not helping to solve a problem for your audience, then why are they listening to you?

In conclusion, the problem that you choose to focus on must be a real one, one that is likely going to cause pain for your audience, professionally and perhaps personally, if it is not solved. Ideally, there should be clear risks

Tuesday 15 February 2011

About myself

My name is Abdulla and l lives in UAE. I am 19 years old. I am a student at Higher College of Technology. I study mechanical engineering and I love that department. I want to complete to bachelor degree at Higher College of Technology. My native language is Arabic and other language is English. I like to use computer and I like to read books about history. I want to travel to different countries such as United Kingdom. Sometimes, I run 2 - 3 kilometers at the night. Also, my hobbies are swimming in the sea, and I like to wake on the sand. There are many things, I like to do or see, but must complete my study before any things.