Im Abdulla Ali Almehri,im 19 years old

Monday 9 May 2011

Semi-Formal Presentation Summary

Semi-Formal Presentation Summary
On April 9, I attended a presentation by my classmate, Khalifa Adel Alameri ,H00154996. It took place in classroom T008 at 4:15PM.
The presentation was comparing between white board verses smart board, and it was 6 minutes long. Khalifa was good preparing so he had good eyes contact with whole class room during the presentation, also he used his hand to clear up the point .He was so friendly and confident manner. He was well organized and used smart board without any problems. I’m surprised for his accent . The start was a little confused, but then he amended himself. Khalifa was moving around a lot, which helped him to successfully complete the presentation. His volume was so clear but he had some difficulty to say some words.  In future ,Khalifa supposed to be trained more and more. The information in the presentation was mostly clear but, unfortunately, he didn’t use a simple word to stick with it. So I think the audience not interests it at the beginning. However, he did a nice job during the presentation with good eyes contact. The power point was good.  Also good selecting key words in the slides. The only think that he don’t work with it was the pictures . he should select interest pictures for the audience.
In general, The presentation was clear enough, good practice and organized ,and the volume was clear. However, There are things that needed working out, like the cooperation between members of the group.

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