Im Abdulla Ali Almehri,im 19 years old

Saturday 4 June 2011

Formal presentation report

Formal presentation report
    On June 2, I attended a presentation was presented by Khalifa Adel Alameri ,H00154996. It took place in classroom T008 at 4:00PM and ended at 4:20PM .
    The presentation was good and well presented. He closed the topic of air polution in an interesting way which caught our attention. He maintained good eye contact with the audience. Also, He was standing to the side of the board, providing a clear view of the presentation. and spoke loudly and clearly. From my view it seemed that he was well prepared and organized. He looked very confident. The PowerPoint presentation was visually stimulating; there were 8 slides with the different backgrounds in each slide, so it was confusing between speakers. I think the text size, contrast and the amount of text used was fairly good. Also, the explanatory visuals were related to the topic. The transitions were basic and thus did not distract the audience. Khalifa was moving around a lot, which helped him to successfully complete the presentation.
    In summary, he did well in delivering the ideas of their presentation. He answered most questions asked by the audience, also he concluded the presentation well; however I feel that with more practice, he could get even better.

words count: 177

1 comment:

  1. Good comments - glad that you learned something from the class!

