Im Abdulla Ali Almehri,im 19 years old

Wednesday 23 February 2011

presentation problems

Problems can occur at any time during a presentation that involves an audience. Visual aids can get screwed up; loud sounds can interfere with the audience's understanding of your point; or you might just make a mistake in what you say or how you say it during your presentation.

The time to think of a witty line to deal with a problem in your presentation is before the problem occurs, because more than likely, you'll be too nervous at that moment. Using humor shows your audience that you're not upset and that you're still in control. Staying on your toes at all times is important, because unfortunately, lots of problems can occur when you're giving a presentation.

If you want to capture and keep the attention of your audience every time, then make sure that each presentation you make focuses on helping your audience to solve an important problem. This is critically important: if you’re not helping to solve a problem for your audience, then why are they listening to you?

In conclusion, the problem that you choose to focus on must be a real one, one that is likely going to cause pain for your audience, professionally and perhaps personally, if it is not solved. Ideally, there should be clear risks

Tuesday 15 February 2011

About myself

My name is Abdulla and l lives in UAE. I am 19 years old. I am a student at Higher College of Technology. I study mechanical engineering and I love that department. I want to complete to bachelor degree at Higher College of Technology. My native language is Arabic and other language is English. I like to use computer and I like to read books about history. I want to travel to different countries such as United Kingdom. Sometimes, I run 2 - 3 kilometers at the night. Also, my hobbies are swimming in the sea, and I like to wake on the sand. There are many things, I like to do or see, but must complete my study before any things.